• Sustainability: The Really Long View

    Sustainability: The Really Long View

    This Tuesday I started back as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Waterloo on the undergraduate course ‘Sustainability: The Really Long View’, taught by Prof. Stephen Quilley. It’s the third time I have TA-ed this course and I love it! The course is designed to bring a sense of perspective on the problems we…

  • Singing My Way Back Home

    Singing My Way Back Home

    I’m preparing a Spanish tortilla in my folks kitchen. I can only describe the sounds coming out of my phone as “fluid landscape”. The Reeling by Brighde Chaimbeul, the award-winning young piper from Skye. We had a family holiday on Skye in September 1998 that I will never forget, and the Reelings are bringing back…

  • Where is the Centre of the World? Between your own two feet.

    Where is the Centre of the World? Between your own two feet.

    I’m sat in the ‘Ponder’ at my parents home in West Sussex, where I’m based for my Winter Holiday visit to the UK. The wind is whooping around and the blasts of rain on the glass roof and walls sound like pebbles on a tin roof.  Mum and Dad are in the cosy living room…

  • Narratives of “A Neo-Distributist Proposal”

    I’ve been thinking about Distributism as a post-growth political economy since reading Hillaire Belloc’s The Serville State a few year ago. In the article below, @ChrisSmaje (Author of #ASmallFarmFuture) outlines four commitments of a possible neo-distributist movement. “These are the four commitments ….as the essence of a neo-distributist movement. First, the autonomy-in-community of local livelihood-making,…

  • Earth Day Every Day: Re-thinking our Relationship with the Earth

    Earth Day Every Day: Re-thinking our Relationship with the Earth

    This Earth Day let’s look deeper at the problems behind the problems in our world. What would it mean for us to begin a discussion about changing the way we perceive the world and how we act in it? This Earth Day, ask yourself what’s the story you have about the Earth? What is your…