Tag: science

  • The Furnace Place Dormouse Project: connecting a community with the sleepy woodland (?) citizen

    The Furnace Place Dormouse Project: connecting a community with the sleepy woodland (?) citizen

    After a busy week of hedgerows, harvest mice and River’s Week planning, time to relax…with a Dormouse Box Check! 9am in the woods at Furnace Place Estate (FPE), I met with Margaret, Wendy, Alan Mary and Nigel from the Haslemere Natural History Society (HNHS) who have been checking the boxes with me for the last…

  • A journey through The Web of Life:

    This post is about why my blog is so named and how a connection, in this case with ideas in a book can be life changing. The first book that opened my eyes to science was Fritjof Capra’s book Web of Life: A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter (1996). If I’m honest, sitting here…

  • Is the hijack of Christmas by consumerism a bad thing or has this modern religion done more for World Peace than the old ones?

    The annual Christmas urban melee for presents is over. Waistlines, expanded to bursting point are now forced into post-indulgence exercise programmes. New presents lie discarded and recycling bins are fit to burst with wrapping paper and packaging. Religious leaders typically bemoan the hijacking of the traditional message of Christmas by commerce in a festival of consumption, but recently I’ve had cause…

  • A Transylvanian Adventure: 3 weeks to go

    In exactly three weeks time I will have arrived in the Romanian province of Transylvania and will be getting to know the rest of the Operation Wallacea team with whom I’m to spend the next month-and-a-half. Its not a country I’ve visited before, or even know much about, except through Bram Stoker and Hammer Horror…

  • Evolution at Easter: science or spiritual?

    Just contemplating Easter and all that new life stuff and finding peace and existential satisfaction from the ecological and evolutionary processes inherent in the new anemones, bluebells and sorrel peeping through in the woods, the newts and frogspawn in Nower Woods ponds and the Red Kite in Pirbright village. But is that satisfaction scientific and…