Tag: Experience

  • The I and the We

    The I and the We

    For this week’s post I wanted to share this poem by Adrienne Rich which came to me via Nora Bateson’s facebook timeline (thank you Nora), and speaks to me about one of the tragedies of modernity- the fixation on the individual. In Those Years In those years, people will say, we lost trackof the meaning…

  • Hedge Canada 3: The Planting

      “I bequeath myself to the dirt, to grow from the grass I love; If you want me again, look for me under your boot-soles.” – Walt Whitman On an unseasonably warm and sunny Thanksgiving Weekend (6th October 2017) visitors to the Open Day at Mount Wolfe Farm in Caledon, Ontario were able to take…

  • A journey through The Web of Life:

    This post is about why my blog is so named and how a connection, in this case with ideas in a book can be life changing. The first book that opened my eyes to science was Fritjof Capra’s book Web of Life: A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter (1996). If I’m honest, sitting here…

  • The Eagles are Coming! The Eagles are Coming!

    A very dear friend of mine was recently bought a lesson at the Hawk Conservancy for her birthday. She is a big fan of birds of prey, especially the kestrel she sees on her daily walk with the dog, but i think the lesson transformed her. Into what remains to be seen! I could definitely…

  • If it moves, ID it; and if it stays still, ID it too! #BioBlitz! Wisley and Ockham Commons @SurreyWT

    457 Species and counting! I love Bioblitz! Not all of my time is spent out and about on Surrey’s rivers or wetlands searching for the illusive otter and water vole, or creeping along my beloved hedgerows for dormice, stoat or orange-spotted elm-lichen. So when the moment arrives when I can spend 24 hours in the…