Tag: Woodland

  • Evolution at Easter: science or spiritual?

    Just contemplating Easter and all that new life stuff and finding peace and existential satisfaction from the ecological and evolutionary processes inherent in the new anemones, bluebells and sorrel peeping through in the woods, the newts and frogspawn in Nower Woods ponds and the Red Kite in Pirbright village. But is that satisfaction scientific and…

  • Through the Canopy, artwork by Kiri Jones

    I’m embarrassed by the shoddy quality of these photos taken on my mobile at Kiri’s open studio in Streatham, London this weekend but I had to share the excellent work my awesome talented sister is producing at the moment, even more amazing she finds the time as a fulltime mother of two young’uns. If you…

  • The Hedgerows and Curries project…and dormice in their somewhere too!

    Sunday night and I’m sat in a plush B&B in Tetbury, Gloucestershire with the rain lashing at the windows.  It hasn’t stopped to day- it was even a tough choice to decide on whether to drive up the M4 or sail! Tomorrow I’m leading another Hedgerows for Dormice Hedge Management Workshop this time at Duchy…