Category: Environment

  • Limits to Growth: on what Authority?

    Limits to Growth: on what Authority?

    In a recent blog post Professor Jem Bendell, author of the Deep Adaptation paper wrote a challenge to views expressed by John Foster of Lancaster University/ Green House UK Think Tank ( the latter’s strapline is “It aims to lead the development of green thinking in the UK.” I’m beginning to automatically view with caution…

  • Thoughts on Moving into Right Relationships

    Thoughts on Moving into Right Relationships

    As the Winter turned into Spring I have been getting outside as time permits using my forestry skills to fell some trees for trail clearance, thinning and mushroom log harvest and cutting some cedar for construction projects. We are reopening a trail next to Cold Creek which hasn’t been used for so long it’s got…

  • Sustainability: The Really Long View

    Sustainability: The Really Long View

    This Tuesday I started back as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Waterloo on the undergraduate course ‘Sustainability: The Really Long View’, taught by Prof. Stephen Quilley. It’s the third time I have TA-ed this course and I love it! The course is designed to bring a sense of perspective on the problems we…

  • Earth Day Every Day: Re-thinking our Relationship with the Earth

    Earth Day Every Day: Re-thinking our Relationship with the Earth

    This Earth Day let’s look deeper at the problems behind the problems in our world. What would it mean for us to begin a discussion about changing the way we perceive the world and how we act in it? This Earth Day, ask yourself what’s the story you have about the Earth? What is your…

  • Place, Land and Work: how do we start to belong?

    Place, Land and Work: how do we start to belong?

    “….Hope Then to belong to your place by your own knowledge Of what it is that no other place is, and by Your caring for it as you care for no other place, this Place that you belong to though it is not yours, For it was from the beginning and will be to the…