Tag: landskills

  • Reconnecting through land-based crafts and skills in socio-ecological systems

    Reconnecting through land-based crafts and skills in socio-ecological systems

    Where I reflect back over this weeks two events, the first of our safe-to-fail ‘experimental’ initiative Land Skills for Wellness and Sustainability introducing crafts, skills and nature based learning to students, faculty and staff at UWaterloo for wellness and sustainability benefits. With a bit of complexity and flow theory thrown in. Connecting to the Land…

  • Thoughts on Moving into Right Relationships

    Thoughts on Moving into Right Relationships

    As the Winter turned into Spring I have been getting outside as time permits using my forestry skills to fell some trees for trail clearance, thinning and mushroom log harvest and cutting some cedar for construction projects. We are reopening a trail next to Cold Creek which hasn’t been used for so long it’s got…